Meeting High Expectations

Meeting High Expectations

Consumers want to be sure the fresh herbs and vegetables they serve to their families are safe, nutritious and priced right. A tall order? No doubt. And we deliver.

Wholesalers and Retailers

We align with the Africa’s leading growers to bring you tasty, immaculate, top-quality fresh fruits and vegetables. If you are struggling with quality and constant yearly supply, then we have you sorted.


Supply volume

Our expert sales team works with our buyers to tailor programs that work, from season-long plans to tactical opportunities. Our business development team creates effective crop growing programs that fit your supply demand.


We work closely with our growers to implement “Good Agricultural Practice” techniques, to help establish the most effective use of natural pest controls, beneficial insects, varietal selection and natural fertilisers to maintain a regular supply of high quality fresh produce.

What Are You Waiting For...

Make An Appointment

Discover ways that Magharibi can help your business with our Market network. Creating trading opportunities around the world

Our location

Watermark Business Park,Karen, Nairobi Phone: +254729 877 049

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 8am-4pm
Sat: 8am-2pm

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